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Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Dubai

Are you type two diabetic who has numb feet?


If so, pay special attention. 


Are you the type of person that when you wake up in the morning, you're unsure where your steps are, you're getting to that point where your balance is starting to be affected?

You know you have diabetes, and you know there's certain things in your lifestyle that have built up to where they are, and you're trying your best, but you realise that your health is failing. Your feet are numb. You're even to the point where you might not be able to feel your car’s accelerator pedals. 


But it started at the tips of your toes. It's going to the balls of your feet, and it's slowly working its way up the ankles. 


You went to your doctor, and they gave you some medications; some helped, while others didn't. But the reality is, it's consistently getting worse.


You're now noticing your balance is to be affected. You're starting to have challenges in walking and really being unsure every step you take. 


If this sounds familiar, then you might have something called peripheral neuropathy. 


The challenge on this one, though, is most people are told nothing can be done, and so if you're a type two diabetic with numb feet, I want to let you know we've seen hundreds, if not 1000s, of patients into our office with the same problem. 


But the great thing is, we've been able to turn it around. We've had patients come in when they were told nothing could be done, and they're on the other side now, starting to feel their feet again, becoming more confident in their walking. 


And so if that sounds like you, then please give us a call on +971 52 875 2667.


 You don't have to suffer alone. We're here to serve you. 


Call us now, or complete the webform below for specific information on our neuropathy treatment.

Bare Feet
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